Atlantic Barn and Timber Rutherglen_LoRes_002.jpg

Structural Panel Homes & Enclosures


About Stress Skin Panels

Stress skin panels normally consist of two exterior “skins” or surfaces surrounding a hard plastic foam core. They’re usually comprised of plywood and gypsum board with an expanded polystyrene core that varies in thickness from two to twelve inches and can be up to 8 feet by 24 feet in size, these stress skins are light and easily applied to timber frame homes and compare in strength to an I-beam.


Stress Skin Panel Design

Prior to application, we’ll carefully study your timber frame plan and design the appropriate panels needed for your project. We typically place panel joints behind the timbers to minimize visible seams and interior finishing costs.

stress skin / structural panel Installation

After raising your frame, our crew will install your standard stress skin or structural ensuring your home meets the federal and state construction standards for energy efficiency.